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Enjoying Your Blended Family

May 30, 2022

What refills you?


You have to be poured into, so you can pour more out. 


If not, it can lead to quick tempers, tiredness, and feeling stressed-out. When we are running low, then we aren’t able to be as supportive to those in our family, and our blended family needs us strong and ready to go.


We share great ways...

May 27, 2022

Welcome to the creatures of the water! (said in my scary voice)


Okay, so this episode really isn’t scary at all. I think the creatures of the water (aka fish and crabs) are probably more scared of us.


For many of us, some of the funniest and cherished memories of our past comes from our parents taking us...

May 23, 2022

Devo’inning it up!!! (might’ve just made up a word, don’t know)


If you listened to Part 1, then you know having a devotion time can greatly benefit you and your blended family.


But everything sounds good in theory, though. How can we make a devo time happen for us, one that we can actually stick with? That can...

May 20, 2022

We have some extra-special guests with us on this episode (you’ve gotta listen to get the reference)!


Join us as we hear from the creators of Travel Date Nights. 


Garrett and Mandi have set out to help families create those lasting memories together by seeing the world through traveling (and you don’t even have...

May 16, 2022

It’s Devo, not Bevo (the Texas Longhorn mascot)! Okay, bad joke. Sorry.


We share how adding a devotion time to your daily routine can greatly benefit your blended family.


Devotions are a great way to grow closer to God and hear more from Him. This causes us to be better versions of ourselves, and in return we show...